Friday, October 1, 2010

Learning Other Language.

Is that any wrong to learn other language?

Well let's say, learn japan,Koren and other language we can communicate with other that is good right and we can understand what they are trying to say. We also can learn many other country language if we want to right!

But yesterday, MyPaper got a news saying that having television show on hokkian is not good. Yes, it not good but cause many people don't understand that language, But HELLO!! there are many people who can understand okay some more there is subtitle what. Can understand at least can read right!?

Well many people do like to learn other language, but to those elderly of course they will stick to their own language. And to those youngster? They will find it more fun if they can learn other language..

Taiwan Show, Hong Kong Show , Japan Show, Koren Show is so popular in Singapore and yet we only can have those dual sound in those Japan and Koren show.. But why not taiwan show and hong kong show? If this Dual sound apply to both japan and koren show why not it apply to the hong kong and Taiwan show too?

Yes, in Singapore we can hear hokkian, cantonese and many other dialectal from different elderly people. Even youngster like us also know some as we can hearn from our grandparents or even some is from our parents okays..

So why can't we have those dual sound in those show? Some elderly people also want to hear the orginal version of the show and we can get those dvd, vcd from many store and we can watch at home too..

Ahem! This will not make us have poor result in chinese or english okays, My Chinese got A for exam okays, yes, i do learn hokkian from my family and my realitive, I didn't get poor result okays my chinese is still perfect and my english too..

To many people chinese is like no big deal to them they also can give up learning it anytime they want, so we can't stop people to learn what language they want right.

We got the right to learn what language we want and no one can stop us! :))


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