Wednesday, December 29, 2010
no dinner for me
Eat med then eat dinner end up throw out everything luck the doc give me injection but it seems like the med hasn't work I still feel sick!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
doctor again
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dream Wedding
A wedding don't happen just a day it take time to prepare and think what design of ring/cake/wedding dress/card and how you wanna design the hotel...
See so many things to prepare and yes it only happen just one day..
Not only this, still got what custom wedding aka Chinese style wedding in the morning/afternoon so called tea section..
Hahahas.. Lots of thing to prepare and for Chinese they got this day which call Guo da li (过大礼) means as a tradition wedding as both parents need to prepare things too many to mention.. Too many to mention read this link..
Item that will be need for Chinese custom wedding.. See so many thing to buy and there is lots of rules to follow after that.. Hais i hope when its my turn i can follow the rule one by one

Choosing wedding bouquet. More easy for me as the colour i like was BLUE yes BLUE!! hahas
I had seen many flower in the shop and if there is black rose in between the blue rose how will it look like? Or maybe in between the red rose? Ohya. if its a golden rose much better and i want 11 rose as my wedding bouquet!!

Here comes the most important thing, wedding invitation card.. So many design to choose okays. if you want a simple want choose the want that the hotel provide.. But i think i will want a more special want as people can keep it.
These are the air ticket design and movie ticket design..
The visa card type and the most tradition type.. Lols.. I think i don't want to choose that i want it to look more young..

Okays, that's the end of my post...
You wanna ask me why suddenly post this? Cause i scare oneday i forget what i want because too many things to prepare during wedding so i faster type it out lorrhs.. hahas. anyway still a long way to go before i got myself marry.. Just post in-case!!! LOLs..
Monday, December 20, 2010
don't ask me
Why I place it there cause I find that the place has a very sweet name call onsugar actually I can continue there but then sometime I find that place really will piss mr off so I came back here yes blogger I'm back to you my old home for me to blog!!
I know I should blog both blog at the same time but I'm lazy to do it although this world got things call copy paste but would you ready something twice on both of my blog hello it's same post Okays if im the want reading the same post on a same person blog I might say that person eat full nothing to do.. But if is different then I no comment Lols but if I'm gonna do that some others time!! If im free uhhs
I hate people who thinks that what ever I say was like an air!! Hello I'm say something truth like giving away freebie to you but you just don't give face lorrhs still ask me am I really gonna give it away a freebie...
If it's not gonna be true then why i eat full nothing to do waste my time blogging about it I can just throw donate it away instead of giving to people lorrhs
You only know how to say me but you don't know how to say yourselves right nobody is perfect in this world unless you are GOD!! Things won't go the way you want if you don't so it right at the first place!!
You keep on scolding people for free but do you know how the person feel?? If you get scolding you will scold back right but what if the person you scold has a dame good tamper ?? Just let you scold till you happy but have you think of that poor fellow also got feeling!! Although he/she has good tamper but they not cold blooded they know what is call pain but they don't show it or say it they just keep it to themselves!!
I don't shout for pain dosent mean im not pain at all !! 不要以为我不喊痛就标是我不痛 understand what I mean!?!?!?
Maybe is the medicine I took effect had start as I'm having nose allergy cum flu that's why I'm saying so many things!!
It's true anyway!!
Alright I really wanna sleep now!!
Night !!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Piss off!
I made a call to SP Service yesterday, regarding my water and electric bill, and good enough the girl up the call was like new to the company! All she know was just asking me to see the second page of my bill!! Any big deal thing on the second page? Why can't you just check on your system infront of you and answer my question?
The only thing you keep on repeating is IT's STATED ON THE SECOND PAGE OF THE BILL! Hello! You think i'm free to call and ask you question about when will your company send people to check the water meter outside my house? Do you think you bill second page will stated everything? EH! Please horrhs!! I'm the customer and i just simple ask you question why must i check myself in order to get the answer and you just telling me things that you say before? Are you first day to work?
Got piss off by the girl yesterday! You keep telling me they come and check every two months but why can't you tell me when was their last check and their next checking date?? Again your Fxxxing answer is we had stated it on the SECOND PAGE ON THE BILL!!!
SEE keep telling my SECOND PAGE SECOND PAGE!! my question! any big deal? i paid the bill and throw the SECOND PAGE IN TO RUBBISH BIN! thats why i ask you the pervious checking date and next checking date!! Listen properly okays if you canb't hear dig your ear! Inside is full of ear shit so you can't hear me clearly!!
And at night they message me to ask me how is their service? 1) Very good 2) Good 3) Avg 4) Below Avg 5) Bad... I should had reply them no.5 but i reply then 3, yes their service is not that good not just yesterday the first time i call the also give me stupid answer i ask why my bill was so high last few month was not that high yet, yes another girl answer me this, oh that's because the weather had become hotter and you on air-con everynight! What the hack! I on air-con everynight? Please i on fan everynight i only on air-con when the weather is super hot okays! and i only on the air-con at midnight 12am the time i sleep and off it at 7am in the morning okays!!
I really don't know how many time they wanna piss off people who call and ask them things! I wonder do they got piss off when they try to call and ask thing eg their phone or whatever thing! They piss off people everytime and i think people will piss them off too!
I hate calling to those phone company and ask things when you call they will just make you wait and wait then they happy they just pick up not happy continue let you wait!
Not just only making calls sometime i wonder why people like to spam their facebook wall full of their personal though!! Let me intro you this call TWITTER!! you just happliy spam everything in there okays and not your facebook wall! i rather you spam twitter then your faceboo! Enough of telling your friend whats your though and you having nightmare and how your bf treat you or whatever!! Get a twitter then !
Monday, December 13, 2010
I don't even know you Okays and why can't you double check did you send to the right person if wrong just send an apologies message and say sorry I send to wrong person is that si hard or you think one message is so expensive ? Since you think is expensive then you should check before you send right!?
And one more thing why those phone company eg. M.. S.... SH.. will leak out customer phone number and let those house agent call up asking you wanna sell your flat or even chee-na call and tell you stupid things and the first question they ask is do you know how to speck mandarin ? Lols if you say no the just hang up your call I remember once the chee-na call I super angry I say I not interested on the things she mention and hung up then this chee-na bitch call again and repeat what she was trying to say and of course I'm super angry and this time i hang up then she call this is the third time u getting more angry she scold me and say its rude to hang people call is she crazy got guts to scold me and of course I scold back see she more rude then me keep calling like it's free and scold me for hanging that stupid irritating call !
Anyway if this matter happen long time ago and sometime I will still happen to pick up this kind if call but I just reply sorry I dont know how to speck mandarin and who are you looking for and the most important thing to do is fake those angmo tone out hahas the they won't call again .. It works and of course if you are home then I can't help you already unless you got those caller id phone those private number and for hp those unknown number is the call from them unless your friend or relative number is private then no choice but if you answer use my way it works !! Lols
Any way if it happen again I will just have to call up them to give them a good lessons I know they are just working for the company but why can't they just give the feedback that customer give? Really piss off by them lorrhs!!
**Yupps good news imma giving away christmas gift a middle size care bear if you want stay tune to my Facebook twitter and blog!
Friday, December 10, 2010
I want to get
Seriously i need to get myself a passport in order to go overseas hahas i forget renew heehee so now first I have to do is renew asap then go overseas where go KL and phuket hahas wanna tag along?
If you wanna tag along first you have to be the person I know I not sorry uhhs hahas I don't go with stranger plus I scare cause i really don't know you!
Then follow by a car license I need it also cause i remember once my teacher told the whole class that sg car license is the license that we can drive a car even we at overseas all we need to do is book the car a that place and know the way and yes you can drive at there yourself.
So I really want to get one license not because I wanna drive at overseas is because I can go anywhere I want and don't need waste money or time to wait for a taxi especially waiting under the sun and rain some more the driver will either won't stop or say they going other location not the location you want.. And also place like imm @ jurong east is really a place you can wait taxi till dame angry when it's night time very few taxi only afternoon is like alot and not much people hiring one but night time is like long que Okays more piss off is when you on call cab they say that that is no cab at your location getting piss off?
There is more Okays people cut your que while you are the next person who can take the taxi and go home angry? Piss off that person who cut que still can stare you and scold you piss off right?
See that's the reason i want a car license but my sis say one thing which is dame true got money to get car license no money buy car hahas ya lorrhs unless I struck toto or 4d or big sweep first price lorrhs
Hahas that's what i really want for the time being and I want ti slim down as well cause I Wang let people know I can slim do and van wear all nice clothes some more can shut some people bloody mouth up although I only seen them once a year during cny horrhs
Oh please let me strike sat and sun 4D hahas
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I think many people might have received it before and say no big deal cause that means people read your tweet or blog. And yes its good..
When people dont read say no readers when then when people start to comment they usually will comment weird things or say you are meant or what but its the true dont you think so too?
Yes people is kpo at some of the time cause they also want to join in the conversion and gossip with you but funny thing is we ourselves might think is none of your business that's why good and bad comment come in..
Think before you comment put yourself in others people shoes and understand what really happen and if you met this kind if thing will you do the same way if course you got your own way to settle it..
stranger who comment u really don't care as long as they read my blog click on the Ads you read happily I blog happily and invite more people to read it.
Yes my twitter had some people left me a tweet which I don't know who they are I reply some and I do ignore some hahas I only know people stranger comment to me when I use my phone to log in..
Anyway its late and time to sleep
*Yawn*Good night
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
stupid weather and idiot neighbors
Sometimes hot sometime cold!
What a good neighbor I had leaving upstairs if mine dont know which level keeps on drip water down as and when i do laundry really irritating and so f up by them!
Every time hung out the clothes next thing I saw is dripping water like raining but is from a very 'good' neighbor leaving upstairs Okays then my clothes will get wet even though is dry or just wash!
I remember i got si angry and I shouted at them throughout the window of my house and ask say this 楼上的你家没有洗衣机是吗他妈的一直滴水!scold also no use the more you scold the more they do it see they are so knn right if you were me what will you do?
If u get to complain that cb neighbor I dont even know which level to complain, I'm super angry with them my mum say that they not just drip water from then washed clothes they even drip water from the mop! WHAT THE HELL !! MOP! super duper dirty lorrhs
Just pray that their shirt gets all the bird shit and I need to find out which brainless neighbor is that don't tell me you are so poor until you can't get one washing machine you can use your hand lorrhs bodoh make up more story Okays I will make up shut your freaking mouth up!
Hahahas I will I complain once I find out who is the 'good' neighbor ! and I dont wish to scream and shout from the window like a crazy woman!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Have you change ?
Yes, I have change it! But it was fake everyone has change it but just today when I log in fb my friend post it and say it's fake!
There is no need to change it cause it was fake but who knows at first ? Firstly I was thinking was it fake but seeing people change so I follow then today I had change back to my original display picture :))
They say today will have the news on this fake info.
Okays did you had change your display picture do change back to your original picture if yours was all along cartoon then you may stay put on it:))
Anyway I will post my dreaming wedding post soon I need time to think hahas
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Do you like them?

Was this true? About Tinkerbell?
She is a fairy with attitude and always gets jealous when other girls flirt around with peter pan. She's not the kindest fairy in the world, but stands up for the people she cares most for. Fearless and always determined, tinkerbell has a spireted mind, and though not showing it often, is a little softy.
Hahahas.. Thats her attitude and thats her personality. Do i have the same personality and attitude like her??
Well, Not much just a little. Yes! I have attitude and get jealous when girls flirt around with the person i like. ( LOLs at the part where by getting jealous!! HAHAHAs )
Not the kindest but stands up for people she cares most of.( True!)
The rest go think yourselves! ;p
Hmm.. Just don't know why i simply like tinkerbell. She look cute and i love the attititude she have!
Next Rapunzel

Love her super long and shining hair.. Her hair was super long and i love it alot!! Hope i can have such a hair like hers. Long and shining!! I will be happy ttm. :))
I have not watch the movie that doesn't mean i can't like her! I still like her! ;p
Last Powerpuff Girls/Powerpuff Girls Z

Wow, Powerpuff Girls had grown up! HAHAHAs..
Powerpuff girls was my primary school time cartoon! I do watch the cartoon of them!
I still remember there is a chinese version on channel 8 and english version on Kids Center now aka OKTO .I remember one of my friend had powerpuff girls storybook and i will ask her to lend it to me and i will be reading it..
As time passing by day by day things getting more and more trend i really wish i still can watch those cartoon i had watch before! I miss the cartoon but i forget what i had watch before.
I still rememer i had watch before Mr Man and little Miss. hahas that was the cartoon i had watch! :))
Saturday, December 4, 2010
the noise only last few hours but i just don't know why i can not take it i can just go ro a concert full of screaming and shouting and watch a movie but why i just can not take the noise at my house downstairs
maybe is I'm at home, anyway I'm not saying that they disturb me or what
I'm saying the true but did they apologize? Forget it just few hours bear with it then :))
Went to Watson and brought a ZA makeup set which cost 33.60 usual price is $60 it's good it want faster go and purchase it before it's gone :))
Friday, December 3, 2010
Everyone is using Facebook
Yes my uncle & aunt ( from my mother that side ) all have Facebook that's really cool lorrhs cause we can communicate with each other by Facebook and if got any news just use Facebook to share don't need I call you then you call so and so hahas more easy i think..
I think i need to help my mum set an Facebook account already hahas so she can add all her grandchild in her fb hahas and of course our family member who have fb too..
I think that will be dame cool..
Thursday, December 2, 2010
post using the new app
Maybe must get use to it cause I can update my blog anytime I want but you readers please read Okays
If my blog post regarding about the voting issues and you think it's offending you I only can say I'm sorry but its true..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Vote Vote Vote
Keep asking people to vote. But i didn't tag any of my friend cause really troublesome to do it lorrhs!
Anyway, for me my want was as simple as nothing,
Just LIKE the MUMCENTRE Facebook then click LIKE on my Nephew photo will do.
Easy then nothing lorrhs.
Saw a few picture, is either babys with their parents or alone. Got one i more shock! Just a mother alone! I think that want is mostly about pretty preg mom compition!
Please LIKE the photo! :))
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
All i see in facebook was VOTE!
You tell me once will do and you post on the fb wall will do, don't need to spam the whole wall with tags. Sometime i think is it wrong to ask people to join the compition?
Kids compition- Winner get a cert and a hamper thats all. The hamper can cost about $100-$200, and a cert is just a paper stated that you won and get first second or third. Thats all!
Adult compition- Winner gets a cert and hamper or even voucher.
So which is more worth?
As a mother thinks that Kids compition more worth, but as a teenager/adult thinks that adult compition is more more worth.
So what you think?
Early morning login fb from my phone saw the long tag list asking people to vote... Kinda weird cause i don't expect to see that everyday but i'm seeing it everyday!!
And And And... I angry and piss-off is when i post very less people vote for my nephew! Cause people is voting for my god-nephew!
Hello peeps!
Please vote for my nephew ! Althought both is my nephew but who is close to me?
Anyway. I don't mind my nephew wins that compition or not there is many compition that he can take part.
News! my nephew is appearing in the next issuse of BABY CHIC magizine! thanks to me who email his pic in.. wahahas.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I wanna get what nationality boyf.
Sorry about delaying the post of what nationality boyf i wanna have.
Well, this had been a good question to me.
I remember i told my bff that i wanna get a angmo boyf. Hahas. It means not singaporean it either from other country eg. Usa, London, Uk, American, Australia or even eurasian* mixblood*
Well, its not that singapore don't have such a good boyf, is just that they wasn't the want i looking for.
Yes, i got a though that they must be handsome, but part of that they need to have lots of knowledge and they had to learn alot of things. Not just using a mouth and say, ya i know alot of things and end up know nothing. full of lies.
Learn more things not things okays. Like sports, swimming, running, badminton, basketball is like comment to people. But it you learn thing like golf and others sports maybe girls would like you to teach them.
It staff. Don't simply say that ya i know how to repair that and that for computer end up just tearing all things apart and need to get new want. Learn how to fix it right and please don't just seat infrom of the computer and play games then say you are pro in computer. Pro in playing games? If thats the answer i also know how to play games and 'fix' the computer.
What's a girl need is a boyf who knows more things then them and can help them whenever they need help not just say and do nothing. eg computer spoild. boyf says i know how to fic let me fix it girls will say okays end up need to buy new want as boyf make it worst or need to get someone to fix it.
And please if you are not that rich don't say that you are, and girls hate boys lied to them so dose boy hate girls lied to them too.. IF you don't lie will i lie?
Some more, please don't pretant to be rich and say you have this and that when you don't have. I also can make up these story..
why girls like to see other nationality guys?
Simple cause they are handsome and well dress..
Well to me they are really handsome and they know how to dress themselves till super nice..
I'm not saying that sg guys don't dress well its just that they had to get the right clothes that fits them and follow the trends. Follow doesn't means it have to be so over..
Well i wanna know people from Usa, London, Uk, American, Australia or even eurasian* mixblood*.
Cause we can exchage different view we we are chit-chating. many people had different view seeing someone from different country.
You will think why i don't choose sg guys and choose those guys from the above country i mention right? well if there is a chance to know japan korean guys also can.
You think i don't want to know sg guys? I wanna know them too and i'm happy to know them its easy to communica also..
Well, should end this post..
Next up..
Dream weddding.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My dream guy?
Many people might think that if i had a boyfriend must be the same age as me then need 5C.
Whats 5c?
- Cash
- Car
- Condominium
- Credit Card
- Country Club membership
Anyway, who don't wish there boyfriend/husband to have all that??
Well, you think easy to find such a Rich boyfriend mehhs? If its easy intro me can? LOLs.
Cash= if you are work and save up you sure will have. If you are born rich then i no comment.. Car= Get a driving license then a car hahas.
Condominium= Erm.. Buy one when you are able to get a flat of your own!
Country club membership= If you think is a need i no comment.
You have all above? Congrats! you are a perfect boy that everyone eyeing for! You might say that i think to much or maybe just dream of getting that kind of boyf.
Okays, let me tell you what i want them to have,
First: Handsome * Look like show luo,vanness wu, wilber pan, ahem, dreaming in process*
Second: Rich.. * super rich*
Third: Dotes me alot
Fifth: Love my everything!
I think thats all, if i have anymore i will post again hahas. Well wanted to know why i bold the fourth want in red, cause i had guys who behave like this. In this world, not guys then its girl do you expect me to talk to girls and ignore all the guys? HELLO, if a shop the Salas assistant is guy then i must leave that shop asap? only can visit shop who has girl? you can talk to girls why i can't talk to guys? you also guy what then if you stop me from talking to other guy then must well stop me talking to you!
Next matter, it about the age!
You might ask me the age i can accept, funny topic again.
I use to tell my friend i can accept guys who is older then me 1 years to 3 year thats the maximum age. If i'm not wrong i told my bff when i was 15 or 16 years old when i was sec 3 or 4.
But now, hurhur different issue already. Last time i use to say older then me 1 to 3 years or maybe even same age, sorry i don't go with people who is younger then me ( maybe oneday i will say different things) anyway, yes now i can accept the age range from 1 to 8 years, it means older then me 1 to 8 years thats the maximum!!
Let's say for now, i'm 18 and my 'boyf' is 26 i'm okays but you must promise what i had mention early cause i hate people who don't keep promise and love to break promise!
Please if you wanna be with me, please look at what i mention above, don't say i never mention before head now i got black and white its on my blog so don't act blur!
Okays, why so sudden i say i can accept the age till 8 years. Maybe its because they had more experence in things that i'm still learning and they can guide me along the way but please don't ang at me like nobody business..
8 years its the max i can take it, but older then me 8 years doesn't mean that you don't have to look young okays, if you don't know how to dress up yourself and you tell me you are older then me by 8 years and your look is like 10 years older then i'm super sorry!
8 years doesn't mean you can't look young lorrhs let me show you..

SEE! One GOOD example!
Name:紀亞文 Edwin Gerard
D.O.B: 8 march 1984
Height: 184
Bust: 38
Waist: 31
2009 Elva Elva Hsiao "Diamond Candy" MV actor(2009 Elva萧亚轩《钻石糖》MV 男主角)
2010 Elva Elva Hsiao "chic lady" MV actor (2010 Elva萧亚轩《潇洒小姐》MV 男主角)
IF i got this boyf i will happy till the max!!
Dose he look like 26 years old? He is older then me by 8 years and he is born in 1984 and i'm 1992! Well is he is a mix-blood Taiwan and America. Handsome right!
Well, if i can find a boyf like him i'm okay to stick with him forever! LOLs.
I don't really want to find a super rich boyf, but at least rich will do if i can find super rich boyf i will be taitai already..
Wish my luck so i can get a boyf soon!
Ohya! I don't want a boyfriend, i want a real man!
So i'm telling you the age i can accept, please don't think too much.
Seriously! It time for me to get a boyf! LOLs..
That's the end of the topic of my dream guy!
Next topic will be on: I wanna get what nationality boyf.
Keep reading!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
NONONO! its not you!
Want to know who? hahas. well its someone i had a crash on BEFORE!
Well, i know its not you..
And i have to say this to YOU!!
If we meet in some where, PLEASE SAY A HELLO TO ME! dont be rude.
Anyway, my crash to you was a pass!
You are not the person i crash anymore!! NO MORE!
I just treat you as a friend, NORMAL FRIEND other then that no..
I TOTALLY got no feeling of you lorrhs, if you think i still have please don't be so thick skin hahas...
I enjoy to being friend rather then BGR* .. Well, friendship can last long BGR* wanna last long kinda hard..
This is my thought of being together, We get together because we want to know more about each other, we leave each other because we know each other too well..
If today i saw you and i think i make a mistake, i can't really see properly without glasses and if it was you why you didn't come and say HELLO?
A simple hello so hard to say out from your golden mouth isit??
To my Dearest BFF,
If you know who i'm talking about, :))
And to the past crash of mine,
I'm not that into you and i just wanna make friend with you!
* BGR = Boy Girl relationship
Love Linna,
Saturday, November 6, 2010
but but but...
i can't find the programm to install. Too many i don't know which is good..
Well. Nothing special happen hahas.
I really really need find some time to blog again!!
Well, people do continue reading!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Playing my iphone4
Finally got my iphone4 on last saturday..
Happy ttm!!
Now i'm enjoying my iphone4..
I took many photo using that phone and its really clear!
Well, there is bad news, All the photo i had in my LG phone was not transfer to the computer yet and all the photo i take using that phone is not in my new phone.. :((
Well i can take it agian but it will not be the same, hahas. actually i can transfer it to my computer if i want.. i just lazy to do it..
Well, I had download some free game in the phone and i had been playing it hahas.
The phone battery is lesser and lesser when i play game and I have to charge it almost everyday..
Well. i will try to find the blogging app on iphone so i can update! :))
Friday, October 29, 2010
I waited it for so long okays. Let me share with you how long i have waited!
I place my order on 27 september 2010,
Firstly i was told that i can't place any order! my mood went FML!.
Secondly i call again on 27 sep then they say yes i can place the order.
Thirdly they told me i have to wait two weeks so i can get my phone, then suddenly they pop out, erm. if you place your order you have to wait six weeks ! WTH!
So now finally SIX weeks had come to the end and imma gonna take my phone. hahahas..
They message me on monday and ask me collect my phone on thursday(which is yesterday) i was like huh? i can't make it lorrhs as the phone was under my San-jie name.. so i rang up starhub and told them i wanna extend the date of collection and i ask then can i collect my phone at vivo city or not cause they ask me go IHUB to collcect the phone but i place my order and say collect at vivo city how come change venue?
Called them....
Waiting for them to called me back!
End up they tell me this. We had inform them that you will be collecting your iphone4 on saturday and i'm sorry to inform you that you can't collect your iphone4 at vivo city as they had a long waiting list..
Find! Then i go IHUB then..
I keep on think of vivo city never think of OUB central at raffles city..
My Er-jie can collect her iphone4 at there lorrhs. i was like Wah, so good i need go IHUB lehhs. tsk.. Anyway, so long as i can collect the phone can lerrhs...
Hahas. So tomorrow will be the day that i will collect my iphone4..
I had been making my own bling bling phone casing.. but its still not fully done as my bling beads is not enought and i had place my order and now waiting for the item to arrived to me..
Friday, October 22, 2010
Recover sick recover sick
I'm sick a week ago and finally i'm recover and then i got sick agian cause of sore throat and my cought seems non-stop at night..
I feel so tired okays.. Sick recover then sick again and recover again..
Now i'm having stomach ache! So tired keep on fall sick..
Later don't know where will pain again! LOLs. I'm like old lady! Here pain there pain! hahahs...
Yes, when we sick we blame the ourselves that we never take care then we blame the weather..
So now i had to blame both correct?
Haze! make my nose alleragy come back again!
So now PSI was 67 and yesterday was 108! whoohoo high right! Well i say some people say malaysia PSI 400! Huh! 400 power but its bad for health and because the fire was started at there so can tell that the PSI there was dame high!
Hmm.. Note to people! Drink more water!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Finally Recover!!!
But i'm still having cough, i will keep on cough at night and day time too.. Super irritating lorrhs.
I cough and cough and hard to sleep my throat feel so itchy and it makes me cough like mad....
After taking all med i feel like sleeping, and i got 7 packet of med to eat..
Lucky i not having fever! Phew!!
But if got fever more good hahas, cause it will make me vomit and eat less less then also can lost weight!! Ahem! Silly thought again!
Hahas.. Good thing is i had recover but the cough seems won't go away at this moment! Tsk! Ehhs. COUGH! CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?? I NEED PEACE TO SLEEP!!! FASTER GET LOST CAN?
Will Post agian!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Still Sick
Sore throat then comes cough now, slight flu.. OMG
I feel like sleeping but the weather is dame hot!! HOT TTM!!!
Wanted to see doctor today, went to register then the nurse ask me to go back at 6pm..
I feel so tired walk here and there.. To the clinic then home then later to the clinic again...
Honey water so useless now! Normally drink honey water will cure sore throat but now to me is so helpless! I drink one big cup also no use drink two cup also no use.. I think now eat med then go use! hahas.
Ohhs. Just remember today date is 101010.. Sounds like the wedding song.. 10101010.. hahas. so many people marry today.. Well everyone remember today's date how about tomorrow??
Okays, i think i shall end here. * coughing away*
Friday, October 8, 2010
Actually, I do hate twins sometime cause i find that they are just like mirror image of each other will do things in a same way. Eg, wear the same design and different colour clother, bag, handphone,shoes..
I really don't know why i dislike it maybe is that i saw news that some twins head or body stick or many others thing may happen..* CHOI CHOI CHOI.. nothing will happen if i had one!!*
I had been thinking if i had one twins sister or brother how we look like? But of course will look the same hahas. I do think of having a twin baby when i got marry, cause i don't want to give birth so many time save time uhhs. hahas, but this may not happen to many people as it very ramdom to have twins.. Only GOD knows..
If i have a twins sister/brother i will want to go out with them and spend lot's and lot's of time with them. Enjoy every moment we have cause we are family, and when we grow up we will have our own family and we might have lesser time to meet up..
If i had a twins baby no matter boy or girl i just want them to be healthy and i want them to be there for each other when one of them needs help. Just a small wish HEALTHY ..
Hahas.. All above are my silly thought!
So fast thinking of having twins baby, i just wish that my future kids will be healthy and i want them to cheeris each other as they will be the one helping eaching other and be there for each other when we are old and say bye-bye to them and go heaven!
See.. So fast think of furture! Well.. All are my personnal tought and it all silly thought!!
So let's seat back and relax and laught at it..
Down with sore throat and cough!
My leg just recover and here comes the sick virus! Cool uhhs.
I having sore throat few day ago eating sweet hope it recover and it does improve but now come the cough virus. WTH!
Sick, Sick, Sick..
I think my nose allergy is back as well! Congrats to me..
Sick Virus is coming to me whoohoo. * crazy me, sick still so happy*
Well, the weather is not so good so people drink more water! if not you will get sick as well.. I drink alot but still SICK maybe i drink too little..
So please take care of yourself!
Huh?! what you mean by sleeker? it means for more stylish..
Iphone 5 had a more sleeker design? Well who knows cause now we never hear any news of Iphone5!!
Yeah! My Iphone 4 is coming on the way, When? NOT NOW! I think is November!! Wahahas.
My phone not yet arrived and i haven't buy it but i already brought alot of phone cover already!! Cheap so i buy 3 for $10 reasonable? Phone Procter $5 reasonable? Ahem, where to buy? hahas don't tell you! :P
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My leg had just recover!
It really good.. :)) I like it cause it will stick properly unlike the old want kinda small but that is bigger..
My leg recover but but but I'm having sore throat now. Ohmygoodness, leg just recover but now here come the illness!
Hope i can faster get well. I don't like sore throat it hurt alot..
Well, now i wanna buy some decoration to DIY my iPhone 4 phone cover, now need to buy glue and some blink blink so my cover will look special and its one and only !
Got time i will post the picture on my decoration.. Hahas..
Gonna rest now! :))
Monday, October 4, 2010
I also don't know how it happen. tsk! FML!
My ankle was find the whole day yesterday cause of a sudden i think of letting my ankle do some exercise so i bend and rotate my ankle around night time then the pain come for no reason!
That's where the stupid pain attack! WTH! it dame pain lorrhs.. Now i walk also pain and i can't walk properly.
Do some leg exercise wasn't a wrong, but i hurt myself without notice and i also don't know ho wit happen was worst!
I seldom sprained my ankle for no reason, the last time it happen was few years ago when i was in sec 3 or 4. Cause i was walking down the staris too fast till i sprained my ankle..
So it was 2 to 3 years ago that i was so careless but i had been very careful already yet it still happen!
It was dame pain okays, now i had to put on SALONPAS patch on my ankle, and now it was the third want.. *hope i works and it will held faster*
Ahem FYI the description says: Paste patch over effected area, change patch every 8 hours. NOT TO USE MORE THEN 3 TIMES. TSK! this is the third time i'm using it okays, so it means that i can't use it again when i feel pain after 8 hours? i think i should buy the new SALONPAS patch which was on TV Ads everytime... * hope that will wokr too.* As i'm using the old want insted of new want on television..
Well, wish me GET WELL SOON!! :))
Friday, October 1, 2010
Learning Other Language.
Well let's say, learn japan,Koren and other language we can communicate with other that is good right and we can understand what they are trying to say. We also can learn many other country language if we want to right!
But yesterday, MyPaper got a news saying that having television show on hokkian is not good. Yes, it not good but cause many people don't understand that language, But HELLO!! there are many people who can understand okay some more there is subtitle what. Can understand at least can read right!?
Well many people do like to learn other language, but to those elderly of course they will stick to their own language. And to those youngster? They will find it more fun if they can learn other language..
Taiwan Show, Hong Kong Show , Japan Show, Koren Show is so popular in Singapore and yet we only can have those dual sound in those Japan and Koren show.. But why not taiwan show and hong kong show? If this Dual sound apply to both japan and koren show why not it apply to the hong kong and Taiwan show too?
Yes, in Singapore we can hear hokkian, cantonese and many other dialectal from different elderly people. Even youngster like us also know some as we can hearn from our grandparents or even some is from our parents okays..
So why can't we have those dual sound in those show? Some elderly people also want to hear the orginal version of the show and we can get those dvd, vcd from many store and we can watch at home too..
Ahem! This will not make us have poor result in chinese or english okays, My Chinese got A for exam okays, yes, i do learn hokkian from my family and my realitive, I didn't get poor result okays my chinese is still perfect and my english too..
To many people chinese is like no big deal to them they also can give up learning it anytime they want, so we can't stop people to learn what language they want right.
We got the right to learn what language we want and no one can stop us! :))
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Make me so FML!
Weeks ago i call up S.H to ask about iPhone4 then this guy answer he told me i need to wait for 2 weeks till the stock is in the store, the i ask him can i reserve it he replied NO. Then i say okay i will wait..
Then i call up again on Monday, it was afternoon.. So i call up and ask about the iPhone4 again, this time the girl pick up the call and i ask her about the phone again, she told me the stock has not arrived yet then i ask can i reserve it she replied me YES! OF COURSE YOU MAY RESERVE. so i told her this, that i call up last week and of of her colleague told me that YOU CAN NOT RESERVE ANY cause too many people had reserve already, she told me this THAT NO YOU CAN RESERVE THE PHONE.. see weeks later give me different story.
Then i reserve it of course then that girl told me i need to wait about 6 weeks so i can collect my phone. WHAT 6 WEEKS?? like this i need to wait till NOVEMBER! But at least i order and make sure i can get the phone, 6 weeks pass very fast so wait lorrhs, i hope i can get it soon 2 weeks earlier also can about 4 weeks time, i can't wait to play that phone..
But i cannot reserve it at west mall then she give me choose the place i want, vivo city, plaza singapura ect.. i can't remember the place so i reserve it at vivo city hahas. And when the stock arrived i will received their message so i can go collect..
So please let the stock arrived fast and i can collect fast..
Thanks to that girl who told me that i can reserve one of the phone and thanks to that guy who give me useless info on i can't reserve the phone.. hey you that guy you KNS! are you new to that company? Or you are on leave for too long ? Please get more info of what happen before answer customer things okays!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Taxi Driver are driving F1!?
I went out on Monday with my sis and we are taking taxi cause she is bringing her baby along so we have to take taxi...
Time: 7pm
We were waiting for taxi to go for dinner at chua chu kang, so we took the taxi that stopped in front of us and when we were in the taxi, the uncle talk alot lorrhs. He say that he is retired and just start to drive taxi and he only drink twice a week Monday and Saturday.. Ahem, talk so much while he is driving, then when we are on the way to cck the road has very less car so he was like speeding like nobody business lorrhs, dame fast, i was seating at the back i feel that i going to vomit and i told my sis that the taxi driver can take part in F1 competition already..
Went for dinner. Plan to eat MOF but cck that MOF kinda small and the food that we want they never sell so we go ahjisan eat ramee..
After dinner talk a walk at cck then, go pasamalam.. Buy things then wanna go home, take taxi again. This time round, this Malay taxi driver drive more power.. He drive like F1 again, this time more scary he like fall asleep while driving, almost bang a guy who is crossing the road, well this guy jay-walk but the taxi driver like never see him crossing the road and trys to speed more fast luck the guy walk fast if not he already kana bang!!
See, Singapore F1 is over, and they hired so many popular F1 driver to Singapore to race but they never know one thing Singapore taxi driver also can drive F1 okays..
They can fight with those F1 driver already, too bad they speed too fast will get accident if not i think they everyday drive F1 taxi!!
Well note to those taxi driver, please be more alert while driving okays!! And also turn up the air-con as the weather is very hot!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Why people will get piss off while playing game? Its just a game only why need to piss off for??
When i play game i do piss off sometime, but i wonder why when we either lose the game or the thing insode is gone we are so angry for..
I admit that i willl get angry when my things is gone in game, but i can buy it again or maybe it will be back later on as there is a problem in the game. If things i gone in real life i will get dame piss off cause i don't know where is it is either been throw away or really lost it...
I not saying anyone out there who read my blog, who won't get piss off when things is gone?? I not saying anyone but if you think i'm saying you then please get yourself clear of this!
So please don't 对号入座(condemnation) yourself to this post uhhs!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Trying To Be The Next Them
there is wanna be pop-star! This boy learn to dance like JOLIN TSAI.
And he is only 9 years old. Should i name him as the next JOLIN TSAI OR SHOW LUO?
Maybe a wanna be dancing 'queen' or dancing king.
Here is the video of him dancing jolin new song VOGUING!
Here is the video of Jolin dancing.
He got the talent and he dare to show his talent, i think when he grow up he will be a great dance.
Here is the photo of him and jolin at the voguing dance competition,


Ms. Xiaxue